Cardio Workouts for Beginners

Mar 9, 2021 |
Cardio Workouts for Beginners

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Cardio is an important part of every exercise routine and a healthy lifestyle. If you’re new to cardio workouts, where should you start? If you’re a complete cardio exercise beginner, it is important to build endurance through consistency.
As with any type of workout, beginners should take things at a slow pace, while getting used to the movements and building up their strength and endurance. Let’s get started!

How to Build Healthy Habits and Endurance 

Working out at the same time each day helps to set up a pattern, and your mind and body will get used to working out at the same hours. Remember it takes time to build a habit (even longer than the “21 days” you might have heard that it takes), so although it may be tough at first, your mind will eventually catch on. Just keep going!

Building a healthy and consistent routine takes discipline. Make a plan to work out at least three times a week, spacing out workouts if needed. As you progress, add a minute or two to each workout until you can work out for thirty minutes.

Cardio Workouts for Beginners

If you’re a beginner to cardio workouts, have a sedentary lifestyle, or have taken a small break from working out due to illness or injury, these workouts are for you. The goal for these workouts is to build up endurance through consistency. Consistency will make cardio workouts a habit, and these workouts will help you do just that.

First, pick a workout, and make a plan to stick with that exercise three days a week. We recommend walking or biking, which can be done on most cardio machines or even outside with minimal equipment. If you can do it more often, that’s even better. Here are a few cardio routines that are perfect for beginners.

1.     Get started with a 20-minute walking workout.

Walking requires no equipment except a pair of shoes. It can be done in the gym on a treadmill or elliptical, or outside. Take a few minutes to warm up and then increase your pace. The key is that you are working harder than when you started, but are still able to carry on a conversation.

Toward the end of your workout, slow down to a comfortable pace to cool down. After your cooldown, try stretching to increase flexibility and to relax. Think you’ve got a steady 20-minute walk well under control and are looking to push yourself a bit more?

Check out our 20-minute Walk & Jog classes in the CardioCast app. They’re a great way to gradually level up your workout intensity.

2.     Try a 20-minute indoor cycling workout.

Biking is an excellent choice for a cardio workout beginner. Biking provides resistance for your body to work against, rather than only your body weight, making it an excellent choice to exercise without impact. This makes it a great option for those with joint problems.

Same as the walking workout, warm up for a few minutes with low resistance. After your warmup, increase the resistance so that you are working harder, but still able to carry on a conversation.

This is where your legs might start to burn. After your workout, decrease the resistance to cool down. Stretch afterward. Need a place to start? Try our 20-minute Indoor Cycling classes in the CardioCast app!

Increase the Intensity 

The intensity of a workout can be increased in a few different ways. Some ideas include:

  • Speeding up.
  • Adding an incline. This can be done on a treadmill, but if you exercise outdoors, find a hill.
  • Increasing the resistance. This can be done on cardio machines such as a stationary bike, elliptical, or rowing machine.

Remember, it’s important to start practicing and slowly to build up your endurance. By choosing to start a cardio workout routine, you are making a step towards better health.

It takes discipline and effort, but eventually, cardio workouts will become a healthy habit.


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